⚔️【功夫电影】媳婦被搶,廢柴小伙意外開啟神功之路,逆襲成為人生巔峰王者! ⚔️ #劉濤 #保剑锋 | #刘晓庆 古裝 武侠#KungFu #战争 #抗戰

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蠻兒(劉濤 飾)因早年喪母,很受永樂(寇世勳 飾)寵愛,成年後她靠智慧贏得了自已招附馬的權力。 蠻兒相中了童年玩伴馮天賜(保劍鋒 飾),而天賜則鍾情鄉裡的大戶千金夢如(任斯璐 飾)。 就在馮天賜與夢如大婚之日,蠻兒派侍衛洪淵(牛飄 飾)搶走了夢如,天賜一路狂追下去,途中遍訪各路豪俠和江湖英雄。 夢如鬼使神差地愛上了劫持她的洪淵,而洪淵心中只裝著風華絕代的錦娘(劉曉慶 飾)。 由於阿魯台邊關犯事,加之朝中舊臣伺機謀反,永樂不顧年事已高率駕親徵,皇孫朱瞻基(陳龍 飾)欲速戰速決,不料遭阿魯台算計。 國難當頭,天賜自封“屁俠”,率一干人馬燒了阿魯台糧餉,面對兩路包圍,阿魯台被逼與朱瞻基正面決戰。 激戰正鼾時,朝中舊臣以國家大計為重趕來增援......
Man'er (played by Liu Tao) lost her mother in her early years and was very favored by Yongle (played by Kou Shixun). As an adult, she won the power to recruit horses by herself through her wisdom. Man'er falls in love with his childhood playmate Feng Tianci (played by Bao Jianfeng), while Tianci falls in love with the wealthy daughter Mengru (played by Ren Silu) in his hometown. On the wedding day of Feng Tianzhi and Mengru, Hongyuan (played by Niu Piao), a bodyguard sent by the barbarians, snatched Mengru away. Tianzhi chased her all the way, visiting all kinds of heroes and heroes on the way. Meng Ru accidentally fell in love with Hong Yuan, who kidnapped her, but Hong Yuan only had the most magnificent Jin Niang (played by Liu Xiaoqing) in his heart. Due to the troubles committed at the Arutai border and the old ministers in the DPRK waiting for opportunities to rebel, Yongle led the expedition personally regardless of his age. The emperor's grandson Zhu Zhanji (played by Chen Long) wanted to make a quick decision, but was unexpectedly plotted by Arutai. In the face of a national crisis, Godsend proclaimed himself the "Fart Man" and led a group of people to burn Alutai's food and wages. Faced with two sides of siege, Alutai was forced to fight Zhu Zhanji head-on. When the fierce battle was raging, the old ministers of the DPRK rushed to reinforce the country with the national plan in mind...
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